Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 2, Thing #3 & #4, Create/Register Blog

Like many of my classmates, this is the second time I have had to create a blog in the MLS Program. The first was for a course I had to take on School Library Management. We had to blog about certain copyright laws and practices. Personally, I don't see the need to share your thoughts with the world. Blogs and twitter seem like they are suited for people who have a lot of time on their hands. I can see myself using this blog to keep up with all the webtools I learn in this course. It will serve as a ready reference when I want to utilize certain things in the libray or classroom. However, once the class is over, I don't really think I will keep up with the posts.


  1. Hi Carla,

    I have to say that I feel the same way. I am just not that sure that I am so entertaining that everyone would want to know what I am thinking. :-) Also, I have seen some really mean comments from some people on blogs. Why would I want that negativity. I can see blogs being useful in a classroom setting or business setting but not personal.


  2. Amen, girls! I don't have time to see what everybody else is thinking most days. The people that I must know what they are thinking are all sitting in my classroom all day, and then I have administration and my grad school teachers who need to know what I'm thinking. Frankly, I'm all thought out after that. I want to NOT think!


  3. Carla I agree... like most Web tools and applications, I can't find enough time to use these tools for recreational purposes. I like seeing what is available, but it is so hard to find time to use them frequently. I do think blogs are neat, but they are not in my high priority list.
